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2012-08-16 (Thursday)


  • philgyford’s avatar

    @holgate @tomcoates @houseofcoates

  • philgyford’s avatar

    @tomcoates @tomsshakeshack

  • philgyford’s avatar

    @nicepaul *applause*

  • philgyford’s avatar

    @alanconnor I had to Google him, but he sounds interesting.

  • philgyford’s avatar

    @harikunzru Tesco Bank is also starting to offer mortgages… it all fits together nicely!

  • philgyford’s avatar

    @r4isstatic @dracos Yes, thanks, got it now. It just doesn’t show up if you search for “opening ceremony”.

  • philgyford’s avatar

    @dracos Never mind. Thanks for hunting for me :)

  • philgyford’s avatar

    @dracos No link here. Only to the Closing Ceremony with no commentary. Odd.

  • philgyford’s avatar

    @dracos @antimega @chrislunch Oh! Thanks! It doesn’t show up if you search for “opening ceremony”!

  • philgyford’s avatar

    @macintosh @antimega @chrislunch Are you collecting every country’s broadcast of it?!

  • philgyford’s avatar

    @antimega @chrislunch That would *ahem* be lovely.

  • philgyford’s avatar

    @antimega @chrislunch I’ve just noticed that the only version of the Opening Ceremony left on iPlayer is the one with commentary :(

  • philgyford’s avatar

    @mattsheret @anneholiday Smashing!

  • philgyford’s avatar

    @antimega Even once I’ve decided where to go, I’m dreading the actual move.

  • philgyford’s avatar

    @othiohosting Maybe they should have thought of that before offering it. At the very least, an apology when ending it would be decent.

  • philgyford’s avatar

    Emailed disappointment to @joyent. They appear to not care at all, and still haven’t actually apologised for ending the “lifetime” service.

  • philgyford’s avatar

    @adamstrawson Very kind thanks, but I’d like to pay a company to do it - a professional arrangement.

  • philgyford’s avatar

    @infovore Doh, I forgot about Webfaction, ta. I don’t currently have anything other than the Joyent shared hosting.

  • philgyford’s avatar

    @sph Fab, thanks.

  • philgyford’s avatar

    Aw, bless. Bytemark still boast that they host Dopplr.…

  • philgyford’s avatar

    @sph That’s what I have at the moment. They’re low traffic sites. is/was by far the biggest. Don’t need much.

  • philgyford’s avatar

    @jar0n Ta. I’ll bear them in mind.

  • philgyford’s avatar

    @sph Thanks for the pointer, although they might be a bit too much for my needs.

  • philgyford’s avatar

    @garrettc Thanks. It would be nice to be hosted in the UK for a change!

  • philgyford’s avatar

    That “lifetime” @joyent web hosting was effectively me paying $20/month (an OK price), but paying the whole lot for six years in advance.

  • philgyford’s avatar

    Any good web hosting recommendations for a handful of lowish traffic sites, now that @joyent want to “sunset” my lifetime service?

  • philgyford’s avatar

    At least when my “lifetime” McSweeney’s subscription had to end they were very apologetic. And it must have been costing them a bunch.

  • philgyford’s avatar

    “Your lifetime service will end on October 31, 2012.” Er, what? I think @joyent are planning to bump me off. Hmm. Bugger.

  • philgyford’s avatar

    @dotcode A ‘D’? Swot!

  • philgyford’s avatar

    @gwire “Someone’s sent you this huge cuddly gift Mr Assange!” The Trojan Wenlock.

  • philgyford’s avatar

    I got an E for A-Level art. But still went to art school and it was all fine.

  • philgyford’s avatar

    @NickJonesCOI Because there aren’t any (that I can see)? Not that I (or anyone else) would read them anyway!

  • philgyford’s avatar

    @pixellent Huh, wuh?! I thought not. Gahhhhh.

  • philgyford’s avatar

    @pixellent @tomcoates I bet he’ll think you mean “trousers”. You know what they’re like over there.

  • philgyford’s avatar

    @russelldavies I've only just caught up on them all - brilliant! Really, really lovely things.

  • philgyford’s avatar

    If I did another Guardian version I would filter out any "news" articles that are simply reporting an article written later in the paper.

  • philgyford’s avatar

    Fascinated by, but wondering why they need ALL THE TWITTER PERMISSIONS on sign up. Puts me off. Lanyrd have spoiled me.

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  • antimega’s avatar

    @hondanhon we are sunrising the sunset of heirloom and vintage platforms

  • moleitau’s avatar

    Augmented-Reality glasses that filter any surprises and reinforce your prejudices: “EXPECTACLES”