2012-08-16 (Thursday)
@tomcoates @tomsshakeshack
@nicepaul *applause*
@alanconnor I had to Google him, but he sounds interesting.
@harikunzru Tesco Bank is also starting to offer mortgages… it all fits together nicely!
@r4isstatic @dracos Yes, thanks, got it now. It just doesn’t show up if you search for “opening ceremony”.
@dracos Never mind. Thanks for hunting for me :)
@dracos No link here. Only to the Closing Ceremony with no commentary. Odd.
@macintosh @antimega @chrislunch Are you collecting every country’s broadcast of it?!
@antimega @chrislunch That would *ahem* be lovely.
@antimega @chrislunch I’ve just noticed that the only version of the Opening Ceremony left on iPlayer is the one with commentary :(
@mattsheret @anneholiday Smashing!
@antimega Even once I’ve decided where to go, I’m dreading the actual move.
@othiohosting Maybe they should have thought of that before offering it. At the very least, an apology when ending it would be decent.
Emailed disappointment to @joyent. They appear to not care at all, and still haven’t actually apologised for ending the “lifetime” service.
@adamstrawson Very kind thanks, but I’d like to pay a company to do it - a professional arrangement.
@infovore Doh, I forgot about Webfaction, ta. I don’t currently have anything other than the Joyent shared hosting.
@sph Fab, thanks.
Aw, bless. Bytemark still boast that they host Dopplr. bytemark.co.uk/managed_hostin…
@sph That’s what I have at the moment. They’re low traffic sites. pepysdiary.com is/was by far the biggest. Don’t need much.
@jar0n Ta. I’ll bear them in mind.
@sph Thanks for the pointer, although they might be a bit too much for my needs.
@garrettc Thanks. It would be nice to be hosted in the UK for a change!
That “lifetime” @joyent web hosting was effectively me paying $20/month (an OK price), but paying the whole lot for six years in advance.
Any good web hosting recommendations for a handful of lowish traffic sites, now that @joyent want to “sunset” my lifetime service?
At least when my “lifetime” McSweeney’s subscription had to end they were very apologetic. And it must have been costing them a bunch.
“Your lifetime service will end on October 31, 2012.” Er, what? I think @joyent are planning to bump me off. Hmm. Bugger.
@dotcode A ‘D’? Swot!
@gwire “Someone’s sent you this huge cuddly gift Mr Assange!” The Trojan Wenlock.
I got an E for A-Level art. But still went to art school and it was all fine.
@NickJonesCOI Because there aren’t any (that I can see)? Not that I (or anyone else) would read them anyway!
@pixellent Huh, wuh?! I thought not. Gahhhhh.
@pixellent @tomcoates I bet he’ll think you mean “trousers”. You know what they’re like over there.
@russelldavies I've only just caught up on them all - brilliant! Really, really lovely things.
If I did another Guardian version I would filter out any "news" articles that are simply reporting an article written later in the paper.
Fascinated by Medium.com, but wondering why they need ALL THE TWITTER PERMISSIONS on sign up. Puts me off. Lanyrd have spoiled me.
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@hondanhon we are sunrising the sunset of heirloom and vintage platforms
Augmented-Reality glasses that filter any surprises and reinforce your prejudices: “EXPECTACLES”