2012-08-11 (Saturday)
@moleitau Rubbish innit.
Gold for tear-inducing montage to the BBC.
Everyone jumps in the pool like the end of 'We Are The Champions'. "Away you go!"
@rex3000 I've been using it for decades!
@rex3000 You'd have to just pretend it was what you meant to do. "Oh, that? Just a little something new I've been working on."
Using StreetView to triangulate locations of 12 year old photos, so I can add location data to them. It’s Metadata Saturday here.
@ianbetteridge Have you met @mildlydiverting? I think you’d really get on :)
@dracos My (failed) strategy is to expect that asking not to be sent emails means just that. Ho hum.
@esinclai There are various tools to automate adding BPM data to iTunes tracks… but I’m too precious about my metadata to automate it!
Downside of too many spur-of-the-moment whimsical Twitter accounts: Unsubscribing from every new type of email Twitter thinks of sending.
Adding BPM values to fave Sleater-Kinney and Wedding Present tracks in order to even out the guitar:bleep:rap ratios of my gym listening.
@ammonite I think it would come down to more separate attention and encouragement for the not very good kids. But that's expensive.
Echoing others: Compulsory school sport put me off exercise for ten years post-16. Optional sport for those who are keen is good though.
@blech Definitely! I love friends' reckons. Or even the reckons of people I don't know but have some context for. That's what I reckon.
On the other hand, I really like newspaper letters pages, which are full of strangers' reckons. Maybe paid reckoners seem overly pompous.
I don't understand newspaper 'Comment' sections. Why should I care what these people I don't know reckon about stuff?
@schulze You've put on weight!
Liked tweets
Those lamenting the Olympics closing... I promise the Paralympics will blow your socks off. If you have feet. Unlike me. #nosocks
Pic: Legends! @Mo_Farah does ‘The Bolt’ while @usainbolt does ‘The Mo-Bot’