2012-08-06 (Monday)
Orbe.us | ReKognition
A replacement for the Face.com API? But, judging by the demo, it seems much, much worse at face detection than Face.com.
Spending all my spare time happily slumped in front of people competing on telly, I feel like I'm in a Charlie Brooker dystopia.
@alanconnor But. Ex-plained. So. Very. Clear-ly. Alan.
@tomtaylor I like that the BBC occasionally shows little clips of these "drama" things to try and remind us of what it used to be like.
@abscond Fair enough :)
@abscond I really like this article about why cyclists should behave more like cars than like pedestrians: reut.rs/9iPPef
@abscond Sorry, still not clear what you mean by “If they’re wrong...” :)
@abscond I don’t understand, sorry. The two what? “they”? “you”?
@abscond One main problem with light jumping is that it makes pedestrians and drivers dislike cyclists, and see them as unpredictable.
FailBetter Games are looking for a web developer. I did some work for them a while back and they’re clever and lovely: bit.ly/NwBUn6
@designswarm On the way to work this morning there were men outside the pub on the corner of Old St/Bunhill Row happily drinking pints.
@paul_regan Excellent. We can take it in turns to get the gold medal. We should get through everyone in… 219 years.
What's the point of anything if there's no chance of getting a gold medal and the applause of 80,000 people for it? #uninspiringageneration
The most exciting thumbnails.
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I'd rather live in a world that funded great science *and* sporting achievement, and taxed rich people more effectively to pay for it.
“The Mythical Man-Moth” BULLSHIT I know what I saw
On what news channel was everybody watching that Mars landing? None of them? Alrighty then.