2012-07-31 (Tuesday)
Collective Joy « LRB blog
Also on the opening ceremony: “It was love as sentiment, a nostalgic cry for what has been lost. And it is lost. There is no party of the left with a different attitude towards the economy, privatisation and cuts in benefits and the NHS.”
Britain: this is for everyone - newsmary
On the Olympic opening ceremony: “The opening, pastoral and construction scenes showed clear class delineations; the joyous riot of music and popular culture that grew from it showed disparate, distinct but equal individuals. There’s a vision of utopia there, and it is neither homogenous nor segregated.” (via Blech)
@D_Nye_Griffiths On page 2 should ‘Riley’ be ‘Daley’?
@antimega We’re going to have to talk you down gently when this is all over. Withdrawal will be terrible.
@benterrett @tomafro @alicebartlett They seem a bit friendly and sanitised. They’re not the *real* underlying animals of London.
@tomafro @alicebartlett Don’t blame us - we don’t control London’s psychogeography, we just make it apparent!
See! See! RT @alicebartlett: @philgyford twitpic.com/advkdr ?
@alicebartlett Yes, that’s *exactly* what I see on my desktop! And when I close my eyes. And in the mirror.
Look, look, it's someone wearing a rabbit outfit! maps.stamen.com/watercolor/#17… (That's the best link.)
(This is where you all agree and I realise I’m not mad.)
Keep noticing that Stamen’s Watercolor Maps, on my desktop w Satellite Eyes, make Elephant & Castle look like a person in a rabbit costume.