2012-05-16 (Wednesday)
Roll Call. Say hello! (Pepys’ Diary)
This is the why. Well, one of the whys.
@abscond Yeah. Not quite sure why. They seem better at incisively skewering their own country. But they just laugh dumbly at Europe.
Watching Daily Show on Europe (from last wk) is hard going. Patronising, unfunny, simplistic… Maybe I don't notice this when it's about US.
@tomcoates Thanks, yes! Very epic :)
Currently tidying up the early months of Pepys’ Diary when I was less rigorous. Tidied up three weeks’ worth of entries today. Slow going…
@tomcoates That link doesn’t work for me. Just get some kind of mobile YouTube front page. :(
To clarify something from last week, cos some were confused… my work with lovely @readmatter is freelance, not a fulltime/permanent thing.
@blech Why do you hate Britain? What have you got against vicars on bicycles and cricket on the village green?
@mattsheret @TomHumberstone I’ve only been to Scared To Dance once… In my head I’m always at these places. In reality, I don’t go out.
Twee/Indie music fans: Scared To Dance have their guest DJs' set lists on Spotify, which is nice: open.spotify.com/user/scaredtod…
@pixellent Joy through work! Strength through joy! Work sets you… Hang on, this is coming out all wrong.
Liked tweets
A query walks into a bar and joins two tables. The waitress asks why it needs two tables for itself. The query replies: "I like this view!".
Paul Dacre assures me the Daily Mail group have a way of distinguishing between "good breasts" and "bad breasts".
We're cutting benefits for the blind! j.mp/K4F2Wo Even I don't know what we're thinking here. We've given up making excuses now.
I have a great idea for a novel, but i need an author to write it for me. I'm willing to give equity.