2012-05-08 (Tuesday)
White Negro for Mayor
Adam Curtis on Normal Mailer and the rise of hipsters. “Today it is possible to argue that we have all become gay white negroes.”
Early Modern Texts - Philosophers and Philosophy Topics
Lots of older philosophy works translated into more modern English to make them easier going today. (via The Online Photographer)
The Online Photographer: Blog Note
I keep hearing an ad at the cinema with a cover of ‘Little Boxes’ on it. No idea what it’s for, but I enjoyed the Featured Comment from Ctein on this post, who lives in Daly City, which is where the song was about.
Jenna Wortham: What I Read - Entertainment - The Atlantic Wire
Having just had ten days off social media and blogs etc, this daily schedule of keeping up with tech news sounds exhausting. Really. (via Snarkmarket)
The rise of bokeh photography
The BBC’s Paul Mason on using SLRs to shoot news footage, and the different kinds of video quality there are now (cf Charlie Brooker’s recent article on news footage quality).
The 21st-Century TV Shows That Get 21st-Century Tech Right - Technology - The Atlantic Wire
Looks at a few US TV shows and the ways people in them use consumer technologies, rightly or wrongly.
@dracos Ah thanks, I’ll give that a try. I’ve found very few examples of actually setting points in geodjango.
@dracos I get same error just entering the SQL directly. But I set something like 'POINT(51 0)’ on a model’s field and then save model.
@dracos I don’t understand the question, sorry...?
Anyone know much about PostGIS? I am stuck: stackoverflow.com/q/10486149/250… Thanks. That'll teach me for avoiding the simplest solution.
I didn’t have anything to complain about all last week and I wasn’t using Twitter. COINCIDENCE?!
Ten days at home doing no work and ignoring Twitter and RSS. Lovely. Now back at half empty office with drilling outside. Harrumph.