2012-03-14 (Wednesday)
WordPress | ThemeForest
Also, because I’ll probably forget the name. Oodles and oodles of WordPress themes for not much money. A big variety but no good way to narrow them down (and I’m not sure what tools would help).
StudioPress Themes
Some solid-looking WordPress themes, for future reference. But I’m glazing over looking through so many themes with a certain kind of middle-of-the-roadness to them.
New Yorker | PressJunkie
I’m not saying it’s great design, but I like that as an example of a very different front page for a WordPress site.
Why the world needs introverts | Science | The Guardian
“We live with a value system that I call the Extrovert Ideal – the omnipresent belief that the ideal self is gregarious, alpha and comfortable in the spotlight.” Even if you’re not an extrovert, it’s hard to shake this belief.
@minor9th We got one the same as dai.dopplr.com on Amazon. Good size, classic looks, cheap, an OK pourer.
WordPress themes… never mind paying for them, there are so many it’s almost worth paying someone to find you the right one to pay for.
@minor9th I’ve just made a pot!
"What do we want? Increased equality of remuneration! When do we want it? Going forward!" #occupycorporatese
City of London, England, United Kingdom
@richardjpope @adamamyl Foursquare only about showing off if that's what you make it. I use it to record where I've been and then use API.