2012-03-05 (Monday)
Origins of e-mail: My mea culpa - Omblog - The Washington Post
A good apology but it’s surprising that they could publish something that wrong, twice. Yes, we *do* expect journalists to check everything; isn’t that why they’re better than mere bloggers (or so they tell us)? (via @alanconnor)
@cityofsound @stml Jump in, Postwar was fab. Not many books that size I feel like reading again.
@matlock Not your fault at all!
@matlock Last year, for the first time, I did actually count proper “holiday” days, as if in a job. This year I should make sure I use them.
@matlock Yeah, everything kind of merges together. I’ve both had lots of days “off” work and almost no days “off” work for a while now!
Maybe I need a long holiday. Although *needing* holidays seems like a sign one is doing normal life wrongly.
@garethklose @annapickard @revdancatt @bobbiejohnson @rooreynolds It was so much better in the old days when it was just an alley.
@yoz But you look so cute when you wake up all flustered!
@rooreynolds Maybe a bunch of us should get together and chat in a crowded corridor somewhere in London?
@anneshewring Can you send one of those back in time to Mrs Pepys?
@spaceboy Your cats should have their own twitter account like @hungry_birds
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