2012-01-19 (Thursday)
FitText - A plugin for inflating web type
“Use this [jQuery] plugin on your fluid or responsive layout to achieve scalable headlines that fill the width of a parent element.” Nice. (via @simonw)
Imperica - The future of the future
Leila Johnston and Chris Heathcote discuss (in text) visions of the future, and advertising’s representation of the future.
@benhammersley As an observer of both, @GOVUK feels like it's BBC News Online 15 years ago. Doing something important and doing it right.
I’m really going to have to set aside some time to find StackOverflow questions I can answer. I owe the hive mind.
@cuica Blimey, congrats! I hope you cope well with life outside the Guardian after so long :)
Impossible diagrams: A chart showing how many companies founded in, say, 1880 were still running in every year between then and now.
“git push really firmly”
@denisewilton Designing things that were pretty and wishing they were doing something useful. Now they think they’re doing something useful.