2011-11-25 (Friday)
FRSTEE the Snowman
RIG have just launched the customised Christmas decoration.
Trademark Introduction for Indies < newretro.org
Coincidentally timely brief guide to UK/EU trademarking. (via mildlydiverting)
Freelance Rates Ascertaining Quotient, 2011 ~ @cole007
A calculator based on the aforementioned survey, that suggests what rate you should maybe be charging. It suggest my rate is about OK.
Freelance Rates Survey, 2011 | words from Cole Henley, @cole007
Results from a smallish, self-selecting, but still worthwhile UK-based survey of the rates charged by web freelancers. (via mildlydiverting)
Watching Sean Connery pretend to drive a car, shortly after he was attacked by an imaginary spider. I'm not sure he's a real secret agent.
It must be time for cyberpunk to move on to cyberpostpunk. The equivalent of more synths, dub, disco, thought, repetition, experimentation.
@tobybarnes Are they really futurologists?
“Do we have a coffee grinder? I’ve got a bag of coffee in my suitcase.” “No, and we don’t have a rusty spoon for your bag of heroin either.”
@c_hintzen There's a Curb Your Enthusiasm episode that revolves mainly around just that noise: youtube.com/watch?v=k4cJdx…