2011-10-18 (Tuesday)
I took students down to #occupywallst today. I… - Fresser.
Kevin Slavin: “Tonight, I came across the 99 Percent Tumblr … I’ve spent the last 30 minutes staring at the screen, wondering just what is supposed to happen next.”
The last spasms of a dying business model – Why the Guardian iPad App is a step into the past « The Tall Designer
Criticisms of the Guardian’s iPad app, almost all of which I entirely disagree with.
How the Guardian’s iPad app changed the way that I consumed news
Martin Belam on the Guardian’s iPad app, and how it’s… well, it says in the title. (via Preoccupations)
@antimega @mildlydiverting “Many are willing to suffer for their art. Few are willing to learn to draw.” Simon Munnery.