2011-09-27 (Tuesday)
@Pinboard Yeah, looks like feeds.delicious.com has gone, del.icio.us/rss/* don’t work and no links to new RSS locations :(
Oh… so feeds.delicious.com has gone, del.icio.us/rss/* no longer works, and there are no RSS feeds at all on the new Delicious?!
RT @madgie: @philgyford I had that yesterday. Go into Facebook application prefs and you can turn it all off. [Ah, true, it works.]
@russelldavies I’ll create a Daily Mail for the flat-white sipping, indignant, geeky, left-leaning, urban intelligentsia and I’ll be minted!
@mdales I bet. Need a modification of that “If you’re not paying, you’re not the customer, you’re the product” quote.
@benterrett I just need to find a way to monetize knee-jerk outrage at the moral inadequacies of others and I’ll be minted!
I can’t browse a list of all my Spotify-using Facebook friends without giving S access to oodles of my FB activity? I’m PAYING YOU Spotify.
Facebook/Spotify bug report: “Spotify may email me directly at remove this laters” flic.kr/p/aqP19k
@bruntonspall Either way, it's a reminder that just because Google "isn't evil", it doesn't follow that they're always a positive force.
@bruntonspall And that is the response of a geek/technocrat who can't see beyond the letter of the law.
"Google… funnels all its European revenues through Dublin, pays 2.4% tax on operations outside the US." Don't be evil. gu.com/p/3272j