2011-07-31 (Sunday)
A Billion Dollars Isn’t Cool. You Know What’s Cool? Basic Human Decency (TechCrunch)
Yes, good, read. Just because dotcom folks might be lovely, and their site may, on balance, be a good thing, they’re still a business trying to raise as much money as possible, not a charity trying to make the world a better place.
While waiting for Lion to install I'm trying to finish a book so it'll count as read in July, because I'm short this month. #jukingthestats
Phew, finished that “just a few hours” coding task I started on, er, Tuesday. Levelled up.
@AnnieFeighery @rocketboy76 Give Houston a little wave from me!
Managed to finally solve a problem with my Django code using either brilliance or naivety. #naivecodingfistpunch Lunchtime.
2011 is so retro… John Connally, US Treasury Secretary, 1971: "The dollar is our currency but your problem."