2011-06-12 (Sunday)
Infovore » Where’s @towerbridge?
Aside from anything else: Twitter appear to have handed one person’s account over to someone else, and all the original tweets have been deleted. How safe does your account feel now?
Hobbs of Barbican
I never knew: Between 1930 and WWII the firm Hobbs of Barbican made bikes in the Barbican area of London, later moving to Dagenham.
‘The Headbadge’: Raleigh Catalog Archive Project
Ah, even more old Raleigh bike catalogues, from 1938 to 1987. Getting closer. (Domain updated from www.jaysmarine.com, 2012-05-01.)
Bike Pictures on bulgier.net
Mainly for the “Bike Catalogs” section, full of old brochures which were handy for trying to identify poorly-described old bikes on eBay. For example.
@scaryredhair Whoooo, congrats Daddy Ayers!
@wesayso No, a bike. But there are always more bikes.
Nnnghhh, grrrrrr: caught out in the final seconds by eBay’s extra “confirm bid” step. Next!
Cheam. Cheam Cheam Cheam. Cheeeeeeeeeeeam. Cheam.