2011-04-14 (Thursday)
@aleksk “Doing yearning” sounds like some kind of hip craft. “Buy hand-yearned Mario nubbin covers on Etsy!”
Today’s music listening has gone from Ministry to Bobby Vee.
Attended my first Barbican meeting - my house group’s AGM. As expected, it was by turns fascinating and laborious. You know, like people.
@LukeUpchurch Who knows?! Is Jon Stewart still alive? Does America still exist?
Realising I now have zero knowledge of recent US political events, ever since More4 stopped showing @TheDailyShow.
@designswarm I don’t even know what the appropriate response to it is.
@designswarm At infant school we used to try using our thumbs to erase pencil. The absolute horror of pencils with thumbs on the end.
“Digital Shoreditch is voice of everything digital that happens in Shoreditch.” No, no, it’s not. [am otherwise speechless]
@Gromski Yes, I’m guessing that’s the case :)
@Gromski Even though it’s 2011, if you’re doing work that’s destined for a large media co, they *sigh* still want it to mostly work on IE6.
Today will be one of those lost “testing in Internet Explorer” days. I apologise in advance for my behaviour and inappropriate attitude.
@holgate Soon on the BBC: “Whether man landed on the moon is hotly disputed…” and “Whether Elvis really died is hotly disputed…”
"The causes of climate change are hotly disputed…" Are they BBC World Service? Really?