2011-03-17 (Thursday)
The Orb's 'Backside of the Moon' from a 1990 session on #6Music. Over twenty years old! As old as its moon landing samples were at the time.
On the sofa, radio on, dinner eaten, catching up on this week's issue of the internet. Nice.
@blech It'd be better if they'd numbered from the start of time. Just adding a single extra digit seems a bit arbitrary and short term.
These four day weeks are feeling like six day weeks, which makes the full week at least nine days long. Blerg.
Good to spend the last 90 mins of the day fixing a bug that was, I now know, caused by me leaving debug code in. Code punch IN MY HEAD.
Lawyer-driven web development.
@mildlydiverting @spaceboy The Good Life, featuring four Gerrys! Probably pleasantly relaxed and jolly with no comic mishaps.