2011-01-10 (Monday)
LRB · job
Now that’s a job advert. No faffing. “The ‘London Review of Books’ is looking for an editor, preferably one with an interest in politics and history. Would suit a young, disaffected academic.”
New Lightroom plug-in – CaptureTime to Exif - John Beardsworth
Bascially a Lightroom-plugin front-end for Exiftool. Lets you easily update the Date Time Original EXIF field (eg, for setting the date a scanned photo was taken) but also add other arguments manually.
Who killed the Intel microprocessor? | asymco
I never knew about the difference between Intel (who design, manufacture and sell microprocessors) and ARM (who license microprocessors which designers use as part of a chip which is then manufactured by a fabricator).
Obama London: Inexplicable Edits on Sarah Palin’s Facebook Page
It’s fascinating how quickly Palin’s team remove comments (and fair enough; it’s their page). It’s annoying how many people shout that this is “censorship”, as if they wouldn’t do the same if the tables were turned.
Exquisite Tweets
Really handy way of being able to point at an entire Twitter conversation, or a hand-curated selection of tweets, from James Wheare.
@fidothe Yes, looks lovely. However, I don't have time to LEARN A WHOLE NEW LANGUAGE BEFORE I GO TO BED.
@FidoThe I have used better things since, but right now I'm just trying to patch a several-years-old nasty grep. Thanks anyway.
@Zoonie I have a machine to watch it for me this evening.
I've read *that* Stack Overflow post several times and yet I *still* persist in trying to write complex HTML-matching regular expressions.
iTunes Ping, with these recommendations you're really spoiling the idea that algorithms can give the slightest illusion of intelligence.
@tomcoates Watch out... @antimega's Essex posse has me and @mala lurking at the back holding his leather jacket for him.
The Bourne trilogy on ITV2 the next three nights, starting NOW! (I haven't seen one of them; don't know which one.)
@catfunt The experiment has yet to reach a conclusion.
@catfunt Keeping the browser window open all day, volume up, waiting for a good moment, is a recipe for a jolly office. Up to a point.
@stml Whenever I hear Steve Lamacq's voice I think it's 1993.
@pixellent Yay, well done!! http://bit.ly/hD8NoB
Playing sound effects to wife down the phone: WIN! http://bit.ly/AqTvF http://bit.ly/1avtr3 The gift that keeps on giving.
Yes, like this, but for everything: http://xkcd.com/806/ (via @gwire)
Wanted: An entire secret parallel world of customer service designed for people who are competent and know what they need.
When someone's talking about you, your ears burn. What happens when you're being watched? That. / cc @ethermole