2010-11-28 (Sunday)
Optimistontour.com - Pragmatic Idealism for the future
‘An Optimist’s Tour of the Future’ sounds like an interesting book. Today’s future needs more optimism. (via @thestory2011)
This evening, 'Misfits', 'The Trip' and 'Any Human Heart'. Britain sometimes does very good telly.
If I look at photos from last summer then I'll feel warmer. Or colder. Or both.
@tomtaylor @benterrett You are all wicked for eating mince pies in November and will go to Christmas Hell. #lookingforwardtowednesday
@mattsheret No jetpack. Just walking. But it's possible the nausea was induced by one of the vomit-inducing "sensitive" cut scenes.
@benterrett @stml wins all of Twitter. I don't know what that was, but I think we should replace the rest of us with him.
Up late, busy, listening to Nick Drake. This could be the previous century.