2010-10-31 (Sunday)
Muji PP Storage comparison spreadsheet
I made a Google Docs spreadsheet comparing the different Muji boxes and drawers.
Actroid F Female Telepresence Robot Looks Super Real, Creepy (video)
Watch the videos. Yes, a bit creepy but also amazing progress with making human-like expressions with machines.
@nathanawilliams But it SAVES time. Kind of. Making the right decision. Anyway, I'm saving *other* people time :p
There, a Muji storage spreadsheet: http://www.gyford.com/phil/writing/2010/10/31/muji-storage.php Everything's as good as tidied!
Making a spreadsheet of Muji storage solutions is *not* procrastinating.
@ianbetteridge Facebook's customisation options are pretty much only "Hide this app" or "Hide this person".
@meejahoor Just sorting out some of the pile of boxes that's been in the living room for way too long.
@basil I'm afraid not, and I'm hanging on to the LC, at least until I find its floppies.
Also, anyone want a Canon BJ-10ex bubblejet printer with sheetfeeder and an unopened ink cartridge? Parallel port. #prepostdigital
Anyone want a working monochrome SM144 monitor for an Atari ST?
Hmm, I'm really hoping I didn't turn *all* of my Mac LC's floppy disks into drinks coasters.
My Mac LC still works! If I leave it on long enough the hard drive's high-pitched whine gets so high-pitched it's inaudible. So that's fine.
Hoping the next Nike Grid thing involves coffee shops and pastries. Getting in training, just in case.