2010-09-17 (Friday)
Taking today's headache to bed early, to listen to the delightful @mildlydiverting on the @shiftrunstop.
Yes, today my coding appears to be just like 'Seinfeld': "No hugging, no learning".
Struggling to fix a bug only to finally find the solution... in the answer to an identical problem *I* asked on Stack Overflow 9 months ago.
Ten desks to myself this afternoon. Getting my money's worth.
@benterrett See! See how bad it is!
@mildlydiverting @danhon Not so much drunk as doing other things. There's only so much attention.
@Moose2000 Yeah, maybe I'm hungover from work. I think I should give up work entirely for medical reasons.
Why do I always feel so hungover on Fridays? I should at least drink something on Thursday nights so I get the upside too.
@danhon Also, fwiw, almost no one in the pub with you realised you were "arging" or that they'd been tricked or anything had happened.
I need a coffee before visiting the coffee shed to buy a coffee to cope with the coffee shed girls.