2010-08-10 (Tuesday)
My Cooking Diary - Granola bars
Beautiful HTML/CSS/Javascript coverflow-like site that you’re better off looking at than me trying to describe. (via Daring Fireball)
Yakuza 3 reviewed by Yakuza - Boing Boing
As @revdancatt said, news organisations should do features with custom designs, like Boing Boing have done with this one. Lovely. Interesting. Doesn’t look like the front end to a database.
My Large Google Maps tool
Not pretty, but handy for drawing polylines and shapes on Google Maps and getting the coordinates.
@paulpod I think there'll be space at BRIG.
@kassita On my way! Save some guac for me!
@ladykayaker Thanks Lisa - I'm glad you're enjoying @samuelpepys!
@ealvarezgibson Oops, replied to the wrong person, but I'm glad you're enjoying him all the same :)
@ealvarezgibson Thanks Lisa - I'm glad you're enjoying @samuelpepys!
Used the rain as an excuse to stay home and prepare 2009/10's documents for the accountant. Now, to the office and beyond! Well, the office.
"What is your favourite line from Byron's 'Don Juan'?" "What does the role of the Fawcett Commission in the Second Boer War mean to you?"
"What does the smell of leylandii remind you of?" "If you could solve one global problem, what would it be?" "Who's that girl?"
@bensummers And are often harder to get exactly letter-for-letter correct.
@suegyford Don't tell me at all, because if it's different to what I wrote down it will confuse me and I'll never get my password back!
"What is the first film you watched at the cinema?" I don't know, I was five years old or something! "Your favourite food?" Please stop!
Frustrated by increasingly unanswerable security questions. "Who would you most like to meet?" "What's your favourite hobby?"