2010-07-01 (Thursday)
It's all go. Straight from #activate2010 home to dinner with @jennylg, @cuica, @tomskitomski and @maryloosemore. More of that please.
That was quite a good day. Could have done with more chatting, but must now miss the FREE PIMMS and run away. #activate2010
@tomcoates I left my spam settings at default I think. Learning to use Sieve filters is very useful, but good examples seem rare.
I've been co-opted onto the panel about Current Creativity at the last minute. No time to worry about it! #activate2010
@EnemyOfChaos "No branding, no ironing"?
Aubrey de Grey entertaining and interesting, makes me miss Etech: more eccentric science, less social networking. #activate2010
Now: bed. Soon: #activate2010.