2010-06-29 (Tuesday)
Home | Yahoo! Style Guide
Looks like it could be good for a web-friendly writers’ style guide. (via Crackunit)
Dunning–Kruger effect - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The unskilled think they’re much better than they are, while the highly skilled underrate their own abilities.
Python Package Index : Mezzanine 0.2.2
“A content management platform built using the Django framework” and with a nice WordPress-style admin interface.
I seem to remember tweets to the effect of "Wow, 'Luther', blimey!" on the penultimate episode's broadcast. Now I know why. Blimey.
Post-work mood lifted by lovely impromptu Pimms and chatting with friends.
Whenever I see the grassy green hill on the Windows desktop I want to see Stewart Lee chugging across it in his comedy vehicle.
@infovore Yes, it's all a bit trial and "FB is undefined".
Are there any programming languages that require the use of “curly quotes” rather than "straight ones"? That would be good.
To be fair, I'm also swearing at Facebook Connect, so that feels like more modern, with it and generally up-to-date cursing.
I can't believe it's 2010, the future, and I'm still swearing at Internet Explorer 6.
@revdancatt I still use Eric Meyer's CSS reset, but no idea if there's anything better: http://meyerweb.com/eric/tools/css/reset/
@danhon That wouldn't be a major disaster, given how little I use the iPhone as a phone, but yeah, I forgot that about Orange. How dumb.
Today will be a magic day. The toddler has left, the drill has stopped. If you tweet your wish it will come true. Try it!
@wonderlandblog I was wondering about switching to Orange because O2 are so flaky.
Least relaxing morning at Fix ever: A noisy, furniture-moving, rampaging toddler competing with pneumatic drill outside for annoyance value.