2010-06-12 (Saturday)
Aperture, you say these photos have a Date Created in EXIF and IPTC data. Would it kill you to include it when I export with "Include IPTC"?
Can't remember how long it's been since I watched a Glee cover version that was remotely interesting. Treading water.
I'd almost be tempted to watch some matches if @tomcoates was doing live commentary. #worldcup
Avoided a nasty tackle from Aperture by passing to exiftool, only to be tripped up in the box, again, by Lightroom. So close.
Still trying to find the magic combinations of settings and processes to get photos and data from Aperture to Lightroom mostly intact.
It's very nice of them to do a flypast over our flat to welcome me home but, really, I'd only popped out for an hour or two. Thanks anyway.
After pilates and lugging three bags of books to Oxfam, rewarding self with a cone of double ice cream lunch at Scoop.