2010-05-13 (Thursday)
However, the 39 year old me doesn't like standing for this long any more. Should bring a shooting stick to gigs.
Exciting the 21-39 year old mes by being about to see Pavement for the first time.
@dracos Good, then in future I will build the front-ends of all my websites to correlate with how I want the back-end to work eventually :)
@dracos Even when I specify a period of months last year using the Advanced Search options?
@tomtaylor Really? Sounded good. Although #activate09 no longer seems to return any results on Twitter... Perhaps it never happened.
Ooh, was the Guardian's Activate Summit the really good thing I wished I'd gone to last year? 25% off reg ends tomorrow http://bit.ly/1ahf7N
@macintosh You may be driving around in a fancy BMW, but I'm the one with a black pudding scotch egg.
@Zoonie But why should it bother me if Facebook sell the facts I like TV shows x, y and z, live in London, and am 39 to advertisers?
I'm as wary as the next person about Facebook's privacy, but the info I have there is also elsewhere/not private. Should I be more worried?