2010-03-27 (Saturday)
New York Holiday
I had a few days in New York after SXSW and loved it.
A Great Conservationist, by Jingo - The New York Review of Books
Enjoyed this about Theodore Roosevelt. I didn’t know he was so involved with creating national parks etc. Subscribers only.
Making a Lulu book scuppered by the inadequacy of my text preparation tools (OpenOffice or Bean). Retreating until another day.
@blech Yeah, the SMS .mddata file only has the phone numbers in, so that's the easy bit :) PhoneView looks like the easy solution.
@billt Excellent, PhoneView looks like the thing, thanks! $20 to avoid banging my head further against PHP/Python - I'm growing up :)
Anyone know how to backup iPhone SMS messages, and attach sender's name (not just number) to each one? Wasting too much time on this.
Alicia Keys needs to prop her piano on special piano stilts. Bending over the keyboard can't be good for her back. Or she could use a stool.
Also, watching the Top 40. Apparently all popular music is about sex. I am shocked, *shocked*!
Trying not to feel Schadenfreude at people complaining about Flash not being used on the iPad. Pleased to have stuck with more open tech.