2010-03-13 (Saturday)
Design Fictions panel wa fun and interesting. Then lunch at IHOP. Now sheltering from sun in South Congress with iced coffee.
I understand appealing to new folk but why aim at lowest com. denom? You shouldn't need to tell people the URL for learning more about iPad.
Thing is: most ppl I chat to about tech etc read lots & have common baseline for discussion. Panels assume audience is starting from scratch
iPad: New Opportunities for Content Creators seems to be for people who haven't thought about the device at all before half an hour ago.
Magic headache pills always make a (my) slightly sunburnt scalp prickle uncomfortably. Will have to deploy sun hat with more diligence.
The park along Town Lake was v nice at 7.30am. Sun, squirrels, birds, joggers, rowers. Now full of breakfast, watching talk on IA process.
Met old-skool friends at 'Breaking Bread for Brad', then ended up at Halcyon with the gang for food and drinks. Nice evening, but tired.
I love the smell of America in the evening.