2009-12-10 (Thursday)
Useful temporal functions & queries | code.openark.org
Some handy little techniques in there for calculating time and date things in MySQL. (via Infovore)
Even if you restrict your Facebook data to Friends only, *they* can still share it *all* with Apps unless you change that setting too.
If I'm getting through a "2-3 hours" section of maths in 30 mins I'm either a genius or a workshy slacker. Let's not look into that further.
Facebook Connect: 365 Days, 60 Million Users, 80,000+ Web sites, Many Many Many Many API Errors.
Fix Coffee is currently a post-school creche / adventure playground. I feel more at home with hipsters. Still nice though.
Small boy examining Christmas tree with white, pink and green tinsel needles and metal branches: "Do you think it's real?" Kids today...
Amazed (and a little annoyed) how big web pages are these days. eg, 1.2MB to read a 770 word article? That's nearly a whole 3.5" HD floppy!