2009-10-28 (Wednesday)
Statistical analysis, data and graphing | Timetric: making data useful
Datagasm. Loads of data sets available for analysing, exporting, monitoring, fiddling with, etc. (via Blackbeltjones)
Memories of Friends Departed Endure on Facebook | Facebook
After hearing, a while back, about Yahoo denying access to relatives and then closing accounts of the deceased, this sounds very good. (via Preoccupations)
What Startups Are Really Like
I love descriptions of start-ups and businesses like this. (via Daring Fireball)
Reocities , rising from the ashes - RIP Geocities…
Wonderful - one guy raced to copy all of GeoCities. Worth reading ‘Making of’. He should win medals, awards, certificates, etc. (via Kottke)
About to watch our friends Lou and Liam on Channel 4+1 in a couple of minutes, in Hotel Rescue. @TheRRMargate
Turns out that, even in a bread-maker, the making of bread *requires* water. Anyone for hot flour?