2009-05-16 (Saturday)
Raph’s Website » The perfect geek age?
“Was being born in 1971 the perfect time to be born a geek?” Well duh, of course! It’s a well known FACT. (via Boing Boing)
Five Geek Social Fallacies
Old, but I’d forgotten them if I ever saw them before. #5 particularly relevant to the question of whether to organise things via Twitter.
Bug 247193 – imap quota notification is displayed again and again
Great. The problem I’m having with Thunderbird has remained unfixed for FIVE YEARS. Go team! May have to switch.
LittleSnapper - Screenshot and Website Capture for Mac OS X Leopard
Extremely handy for taking screenshots of websites. Very slightly flaky in places but otherwise a joy.
If I ever laugh at weird American events again, I must remember Eurovision.
Disappointing @gilest. But I'm doing useful things at the same time, so it's OK right? Right!?
Going to the umbrella shop to buy... can you guess?