2009-03-17 (Tuesday)
#sxsw What are people doing tonight that doesn't involve watching The Proclaimers?
The #sxsw-die session is poorly focused and annoyingly badly run. Talking over each other, interruptions, no direction, etc.
@plsj Yes, but opening letters is simpler than knowing paaswords, dealing with terms of service, running software and servers etc.
Final session: Who will check my email [etc] after I die? Because it's a tricky and interesting question that will only crop up more.
Can't. Stop. Going. To. Panels. At Meetup's self-organising companies panel.
At a panel about building online communities. I'm so retro.
That was a jolly nice lie in.
I really, really love the smell of America on a warm evening. Something about the particular plants. Flashbacks to Houston.