2009-03-11 (Wednesday)
Realising I really need a good *point* and narrative to a presentation before I can concentrate on it. (In the Japan tech session.) #etech09
That last session (Sitting in the Sun Eating Cake) wasn't nearly long enough. #etech09
"There is no loony scale. If you can think it and draw it and make it... what's not to love?" Christa Hockensmith. #etech09
"I remember the ethernet" "It's not a good idea to heat our homes with explosions." Christa Hockensmith. Most fun presenter so far. #etech09
What a lovely evening of beer, food and chat. Life is sometimes very good.
A good afternoon of urban green spaces, the most important environmental issues to tackle, and new materials. Brain full for today. #etech09
This hotel could do with much quieter doors on its conference rooms. Very distracting as people enter and leave all the time. #etech09