2009-02-04 (Wednesday)
The little page of TRANSPORT CHAOS
Great idea. Love the descriptions of chaos levels. Longer-term graphs would be nice.
140 Characters » How Twitter Was Born
How Twitter went from idea to product. I love stories like this because you know how much it means to the people involved. (via Preoccupations)
A daily diary of Depression-era life, told on Twitter.: The Social Path
Entries from a line-a-day diary kept from 1937 to 1941 posted daily to Twitter. (via Infovore)
Global Futures Studies & Research by the MILLENNIUM PROJECT
“Functions under the auspices of the World Federation of UN Associations.”
RubyFrontier Documentation
Another CMS… imitating Userland Frontier. I can’t decide if this is brilliance and/or madness. (via Daring Fireball)
Nanoc: a Ruby CMS that generates static HTML » home
Another little CMS. “runs on your local computer and compiles Markdown, Textile, Haml, etc. documents into static web pages, ready for uploading to any web host.” (via Daring Fireball)
Webby :: Webby
Mini CMS in Ruby. Mainly just converts text into web pages using a variety of templating languages. (via Daring Fireball)
If I tell you all I'm going to yoga at 7am tomorrow that must increase the chances of it happening by what, around 22 per cent?
I just made 48 gifs of tiny semi-circles.
Cycling always takes longer than I expect. All that pesky stopping at traffic lights. Plus: London, please also salt/grit your cyclepaths.