2008-10-31 (Friday)
Eric Clough
Adrian Hon and Chris Delay
Matt Irvine Brown and Adrian Hon's hands
James Wallis and Roo Reynolds
Walking to Wilton's Music Hall where tonight I will be taking a computer apart, slowly, live on stage. Live! Amazing!
Unintelligibly muttered talk to end. But some good and fun stuff today otherwise. Those digital heads were amazing and oddly emotional.
Waiting to find out why woman from SCE has hijacked Playful to tell us about EyeToy. Is this retro hour? Or the ad break?
Hugging one of the Conway Hall's feeble radiators. Not going to move. Should have broken out the long johns this morning.
How did I manage to arrive at the Conway Hall 52 minutes early for Playful when I only live 25 minutes' walk away?
For fuck's sake, how can Ross/Brand still be top of the news?! Who cares? People are dying in the world.