2008-07-21 (Monday)
Tag Based PHP Photo Album | JuxtaPhoto
Looks nice, but haven’t tried it. Single user only.
Gallery | Your photos on your website
Very full-featured, a bit complicated, but very polished PHP/MySQL photo gallery. Installed easily, multiple users, nice themes. Win.
PhpAlbum | PHP Photo Album - Gallery
Photo album that doesn’t use a conventional database, supports multiple users I think. Demo looks horribly like phpBB. Tried installing and just got a blank page. Gave up.
PHP/MySQL photo gallery. Front-end looks gorgeous. But a couple of silly awkward problems made it tricky to install and the admin interface was a bit baffling. No multiple users.
Walkit.com – help us take walkit.com onto bigger and better things
The very nice Walkit.com is looking for an agency to help them make the site better. Is it you?
Google Maps API Tutorial
Lots of examples for how to do things with Google Maps. (via Tim Brayshaw)
Toggl - Time tracking - that works.
Free thing for tracking time spent on different tasks. Hated being made to do this at one place I worked, but still might be handy for freelancing.
More recent arguments for why to use HTML rather than XHTML. (via Simon Willison)
What is it like to write a technical book? at Xaprb
Great write-up of what it was really like to write a big complicated book, managed by rather disorganised people. (via Simon Willison)
Orbital have a largely unadvertised sale from today: 25% off back issues.
@JamesWallis I can join you for sandwiches. Heading your way...
That was way too easy: one pair of Kermit-green Terra Plana barefoot. Anyone for lunch soon, Cov Gdn or Soho?
Finished dubbing sound, feeling like a real actor. Now: new shoes.