2007-09-12 (Wednesday)
Business lessons from the donut and coffee guy (kottke.org)
A post from 2003 about a guy on a stand who lets customers make their own change.
London Print Studio - courses
Would love to do this if I found more hours in the day. Was thinking more of lino/wood cuts though. (via Rodcorp)
Styling File Inputs with CSS and the DOM // ShaunInman.com
File input fields are stubbornly resistant to beautifying. A new way to make them pretty. (via Daring Fireball)
Swissmiss: urban cup holder
I really like little things that make the real world a little bit nicer.
Flickr: Discussing RSS feed of your contacts’ favorites (Y! Pipe) in Flickr Hacks
How to make an RSS feed of your contacts’ favourites using Yahoo! Pipes. (via Haddock)
I'm Getting Things Done, just not quickly enough, and there are always more and more Things. Time for bed, up early tomorrow.
Anyone know if there are airline-style security restrictions on Eurostar baggage? Can't find confirmation either way. Liquids, razors, etc?
Wondering whatever happened to brass sections since punk and 1980s ska.
Another man-day spent talking about work, rather than doing work.
Being driven insane by project mangers' need to know how long work will take when there is no way of telling what the work involves yet.