2006-11-29 (Wednesday)
Working in large groups
The frustrations of getting a large group of people working together efficiently.
Time for bed Mr Square Eyes.
Doing too many things at once so my computer grinds to a halt. COME ON!
Blogging, sorting out photos, usual time-eating, computer-based activities.
Going downstairs to eat pizza and watch Blumenthal (thanks for the idea ChrisH).
Finished work, writing up notes from college, kissing girlfriend.
Home, having passed two film crews on the walk home. The big lights are exciting and make the world look different.
In Foyle's cafe for meetings, with a slab of pear and nut loaf.
Beach Burrito Cafe for lunch. Yum.
I can finally do forward rolls! I am so rocking, even if still less rocking than everyone else in class.
Off into the gloom I go. Long day of college and meetings ahead. Bed is the best place in the world.
Headache gone, still tired. Breakfast at computer.