At some point over the next mumble days I’ll probably be doing drastic things to this site, including changing the locations of the RSS feeds.
Hopefully this will happen seamlessly and my posts will continue to appear in your feed reader just as they always have done and always should do. But if, in a week or two, you find yourself thinking, “Hmm, I haven’t seen anything from Phil Gyford’s Website recently,” then it might be worth checking on the site. If there are recent posts you haven’t seen, you may need to update your RSS feed subscription. The new links will, as now, be down at the bottom of every page.
Even if this change does work as seamlessly as possible, it might still be the case that lots of old posts, including this one, reappear as “new” in your feed reader. Look on this as a retro re-enactment of the old days when some people would occasionally re-write their own websites, resulting in this exact behaviour. The glory days 2.0.
Thank you for your attention and patience in this matter. If you’re reading this via RSS then you’re one of the special people, my people, and I appreciate you clinging on to this technology like a dated XML life raft. Hold on tight.
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