A quiet week.
One day starting to turn a long PDF into nice HTML pages for a client; some financial admin; a little more work on rewriting this site and trying to work out how to do things; finding it all a bit much; a couple of migraines; and three days by the sea and offline.
We also watched season one of Mr Robot, about which I knew nothing other than that lots of friends on Twitter seem to like it. The show’s not bad, on the scale of TV dramas, despite a complete muddle of plotlines, but that’s damning with faint praise. I guess one reason some people like it is that all the techy hacker stuff is well done. That seemed reasonably plausible, so much better than on almost any other show. If only everything else was treated with such fidelity. If only characters’ behaviour was as believable as the way they spoke about hacking. If only the functioning of the businesses was half as authentic as the activity on the command line. That stuff’s no worse than other shows but given the attention paid to the tech stuff (finally) it makes other so-often-sketched-in parts even more obvious. I’m a bit baffled as to people’s enthusiasm and not sure I can bother trying season two.
Well, another week. Remember, you’re a tiger:
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