I’ve finally got round to moving from storing interesting links at Delicious and will now only be using Pinboard, where I’m still ‘philgyford’. So if you want to keep up with that, you can do it there. Here’s the RSS feed.
I would have moved months ago, when most people I know made the switch. Delicious seemed much neglected then and I’m not convinced that now, post re-launch, it’s going in a direction that interests me. Pinboard is simple and quick and I love the way Maciej Ceglowski is going about improving things and interacting with the site’s users. I hope he can keep it up.
The reason I didn’t make the complete switch sooner was because I thought it’d be a pain to change my rickety perl script that copies links to my own site from Delicious, to have it copy from Pinboard instead. I knew that the site’s APIs were almost identical, but I didn’t realise it’d be so easy to tell the Net::Delicious module to fetch from a different source. It was very easy, the digital glue that joins the Internet’s small pieces at its best.
Also, after having a Net::Delicious-aided script chugging away for years, I just now realised the module is by the amazing Aaron Straup Cope who I’d never heard of when I first set the script up. Hello Aaron! What a small world.
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