With the occasional updates about performances and auditions you’d be forgiven for thinking I’m no longer making websites. Although I had little time free for real work while at college I was still able to squeeze in a few smaller projects over the year since I finished my time on BBC Programmes (which has since gone from strength to strength):
A bit of web design with Schulze & Webb for Blyk.
Some CSS work and passing on of CSS skillz at Campbell-Lange Workshop.
Construction of a private website for storing information about future-related trends and sources for Fast Future and the Center for Association Leadership.
Putting together the TypePad-based Ofcom PSB Review Interactive Executive Summary website.
Some proof-of-concept design work with Schulze & Webb on creating maps demonstrating how crime can be presented to the public.
Design and build of a simple website for a department of the LSE.
Creating two government websites, Show Us a Better Way and Building Democracy, designed to get the public submitting ideas for informational things they think the government should do. Both based on TypePad with some custom form magic.
Looking back, that doesn’t seem too bad for someone in full-time education. More by luck than judgement there was also a nice balance of design and programming.
Now I’m no longer spending my days prancing around a black, windowless room I have more time for this stuff so maybe next year’s list will be even better.
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Michal Migurski at 15 Oct 2008, 5:31am. Permalink
How did I forget about that crime mapping business? Very nice, and congratulations on your graduation!