Wednesday 2 April 2003
What's that? It's a CV!
In case you happened to be looking for it, this is my CV in unattractive but easy to email form (my timeline is a less authoritative but more fun accompaniment). If you have any comments on the CV, I’d be glad to hear them, and I’ll be thinking more about exactly what I want to do, but initial options are:
- Another web-oriented job (development, IA, etc). If it was with interesting people, on sites I liked, and in an evironment in which I was learning new skills, I’d like to continue with this. (UpMyStreet is failing me with the latter factor.)
- Web-development freelance/contract work that will give me occasional time to pursue other things away from the awful glowing screen.
- Something more futures-oriented. A harder beast to pin down, this species of job. I’d like to use the skills I learned and interests I developed while studying for my future studies masters, but how to do that is a bit of a mystery to me.
- A job testing the readability of interesting books in the light of the Mediterranean sun.
Any thoughts, comments, pointers or laughter in the face of impending recession are welcome.
"A job testing the readability of interesting books in the light of the Mediterranean sun".
You could do a list of dream jobs, test driver for Ferrari etc, turn it into a web site BillyLiar.org. A dream comes to you, you hold on to it, amplify it, flesh out some detail so that it becomes a guiding light and perhaps ultimately a reality.
"Something more futures-oriented. A harder beast to pin down, this species of job. I
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