: Deploying Django on WebFaction

Thanks for this guide - it’s really, really useful. A few points I found as I went along:

When making the Apps for the static and media files, you say “extrainfo can be set to ‘~/projectname/src/projectname/static_collected’, etc”. But the Extra info field doesn’t accept the character “~”. These need to be absolute paths.

I had some problems where the command line used the default Python 2.4, rather than 2.7.  So I added “alias python=python2.7” to ~/.bash_profile then did “source ~/.bash_profile” to reload it.

Then I had to do “mkdir ~/lib/python2.7” and instead of “easy_install pip==dev” I did “easy_install-2.7 pip==dev”.

Finally, a typo: Instead of “$ ~/webapps/myproject/apache2/bin/stop $ ~/webapps/myproject/apache2/bin/start” “myproject” should be “myproject_python”. (And you can just do restart instead of stop and start.)

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29 Sep 2011 at Twitter

  • 9:51pm: @benterrett Yeah, I think that still has legs. "Taped it" would have been pushing it.
  • 9:01pm: @anneshewring Videoed it. We enjoyed the first one after your recommendation! He's great.
  • 8:56pm: @blech What @gilest said. !
  • 8:49pm: Speeding through the warm city I was Ryan Gosling in 'Drive'. If he'd been cycling through east London thinking of bread and butter pudding.
  • 4:45pm: Also, thinking “Oh, this third-party code is way too complicated, I’ll do something simpler, that’s just right for me,” then ending up with…
  • 4:40pm: A day spent struggling through a coding problem, finally reaching a glorious, happy solution, until I notice the one fatal flaw in the idea.
  • 2:03pm: Look at the status of the Delicious API over the past seven days: Can you tell when new Delicious launched?
  • 9:59am: @zzgavin It was for a few minutes after I got in, until @nickludlam worked his Internet magic.
  • 9:09am: No internet connection. My computer is telling me to turn another computer off and on again.

Music listened to most that week

  1. Devo (21)
  2. Magazine (14)
  3. Salem (11)
  4. St. Vincent (11)
  5. Gillian Welch (10)
  6. Au Revoir Simone (9)
  7. James Blake (8)
  8. Desire (4)
  9. College (3)
  10. Kavinsky (3)

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