Cool Tools: Leeners Pickling Kit

Many thanks for the clarifications, Kevin and Elon. There had been a few items recently that didn’t seem to match up to the expected Cool Tools rigour and so this one seemed like a further (big) step away from what I hope to read here. I’m glad the confusion was just a misunderstanding and I look forward to reading the forthcoming present ideas!

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15 Dec 2009 at Twitter

  • 9:17pm: Los Campesinos should be available on the NHS. Back. Phew.
  • 5:37pm: 2009 is spinning deeper into the swamp of Can't Be Bothered. Need winch, chains, spade, and boards to dig out onto 2010's dry land.
  • 3:34pm: Redeeming a loyalty card for the first time in my life. — at Fix Coffee