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‘The World Turned Upside Down’ (by Leon Rosselon in 1975, recorded by Billy Bragg ten years later) is a modernised version of ‘The Diggers’ Song’, a 17th century ballad. More at Wikipedia.

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1 Apr 2009 at Twitter

  • 9:35pm: The Learning & Skills Council forgot to add up how much money it had promised colleges for rebuilding. All cancelled. Run by an Apprentice?
  • 8:58pm: The Apprentice's "make the most profit in a day" theme epitomises all the wrongness of business.
  • 10:48am: Lots of police, lots of security, lots if press, lots of crowd barriers, two protestors in drag. That's all near Liverpool St.
  • 10:06am: Evan Davies just walked past me. Now, back to war-torn east London and my current base, the Schulze Armitage Webb cave.
  • 8:01am: Hoping The City will still be standing when I return from a meeting in White City.

1 Apr 2009 in Links