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2018-08-16 (Thursday)


  • philgyford’s avatar

    @tominsam @blech @infovore Sorry, I misunderstood what you were referring to then.

  • philgyford’s avatar

    @tominsam @blech @infovore I don’t agree with “That’s because far fewer people were on that web.” In that case the 90s web would be even better. But I wouldn’t say that (dumb nostalgia aside).

  • philgyford’s avatar

    @benterrett You’d think there’d be a few more ex- art and design students in government then, after having to bluff their way through crits with work they knocked up in a hurry.

  • Liked tweets

  • darth’s avatar

    getting just a little fuckin tired of twitter acting like they are some brand new little startup when it comes to "doing better about" communicating changes i mean jfc
    you have been around for over a decade…

    robjohnson’s avatar

    We’ve heard feedback (#breakingmytwitter) from our customers about the pain this causes. We’re committed to understanding why people hire 3rd party clients over our own apps, and we’re going to do better with communicating changes

  • CataniaAaron’s avatar

    The whole internet loves mastodon, the cool new social media app which doesn’t insist you read Nazi tweets

    *5 seconds later*

    We regret to inform you that mastodon calls tweets ‘toots’