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2011-02-06 (Sunday)


  1. Papanek on clogs

    BERG’s post about Nike Mayfly shoes reminded me of Victor Papanek talking about clogs.

    • 1 comment

Comments I've posted on other sites

  1. Things with an end - Blog - BERG

    Michal, I’m not saying that everyone should always wear sturdy repairable shoes. Just that everyone…


  1. Hangover Lounge

    Sunday afternoons at the Lexington on Pentonville Road. Sounds very nice, if I wasn’t already spending Sunday afternoons agonising over having achieved nothing useful yet each weekend.

  2. Kevin Slavin on Lift 11: Geneva - live streaming video powered by Livestream

    We watched Kevin’s talk on how algorithms affect us live in the office. It’s well worth a watch.

  3. Gimme Shelter | Studio Multitracks

    Fascinating to hear the tracks in isolation. Unfortunately most of the other examples on the site only seem to have one isolated track for each song, but still. (via Daring Fireball)


  • philgyford’s avatar

    You want me to pay you by cheque?! Why don’t I come round and count out pieces of eight instead? Or pay you in livestock?

  • philgyford’s avatar

    @tomcoates @moleitau HOW HARD CAN IT BE?

  • philgyford’s avatar

    Much as I enjoy playing ‘Call of Duty’, seeing its men with guns in the background of pages seems very awkward. When ads go wrong.

  • philgyford’s avatar

    @tomcoates You should get a blog, then you could explain what you mean, rather than just say “it’s wrong”.